Dr. Chris AC Wiley
LTC, US Army (Ret)
IKCA Certified Video Instructor – HQ
IKCA Certified Instructor – Stone Dragone Martial Arts

The Beginning of Dr. Wiley’s Martial Career
Dr. Christopher “AC” Wiley is a NW Pennsylvania native and retired Army Officer. He has spent his entire adult life studying, practicing, training, and teaching the martial arts. AC’s passion for martial arts began at the age of six, as he sought out and absorbed any form of martial arts he could find – library books, movies, TV shows, magazines, etc. Nine years later, he walked into his first karate class with Fred Vincent Shihan. A student of retired U.S. Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel Marv Kinsey, Vincent Shihan taught a gritty blend of Goju Ryu, Shotokan, Aikijutsu, and catch wrestling that developed some ferocious fighters.
AC Wiley: The Present
Currently, Dr. Wiley is an IKCA Certified Instructor, and holds a 9th degree black belt in IKCA Kenpo. Additionally, he holds a 5th Degree black belt in karate and Shihan license under Vincent Shihan; a 3rd degree black belt in Jujika Jujutsu and Menkyo (Teaching Certificate) under Bill Kellett Shihan; and a 1st degree black belt in Taekwondo under Mr. Jimmie Cole. AC has studied Aikido, Krav Maga, Ninjutsu, and several modern and legacy military Combatives systems. He has been a featured instructor at George Elmer’s Line-up of Masters, and is an inductee of the World Karate Union Hall of Fame. In 2019, upon completion of additional certification requirements, AC joined the IKCA HQ Staff, becoming the 5th Certified Video Instructor for the IKCA Distance Learning Program.

Dr. Wiley found our website while on a deployment to Iraq and decided to explore the material upon returning home. He ordered the system and took the plunge. The attention to detail in his private lessons made such an impression that he was hooked for life. He has trained and tested through every possible means and media the IKCA has offered over the years; including VHS tapes, DVDs, digital uploads, and in-person instruction!

Family & Life Accomplishments
Dr. Wiley and his amazing wife Samantha have two amazing children, Bowen and Jasmine. AC holds a Ph.D. in Business Management (Leadership Emphasis) from Capella University and a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership from Brandman University. He is a prior service Army enlisted-turned-commissioned officer (mustang) and a former scout helicopter pilot. After 22 years on active duty, AC retired in 2023 holding the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Dr. AC Wiley in the Media

Dr. Wiley is a published author. His first book is entitled:
The Lobster’s Guide to Herding Penguins
A Practical Guide to Living the Stories Worth Telling
His book is available for purchase from a couple of places:
Signed copies are available by sending $25 to his business manager’s PayPal account -> click here for a quick link.
Unsigned copies are available in Paperback and Hardcover via Amazon.com.
Dr. Wiley has taught at several seminars and been featured on a couple of podcasts we have permission to link to here.
Artists of Motion Podcast.
Season 1 Episode 4.
Kaizen Karate Podcast.
Season 1 Episode 31.
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